The Emotional Divorce: How Your Divorce Can Be a Path to Self-Discovery and a Happier Life

There is a World of Peace and Freedom Beyond Your Divorce

In life's most challenging transitions, there is an opportunity for transformation. Susan Mundahl distilled her 35 years of family law experience and her own personal journey into a guide toward hope, healing, and a chance for emotional growth.

While it can be hard to see, moments of immense adversity, like divorce…are moments of profound opportunity to become more self-aware and forge a path forward toward a happier life, making new choices to learn to love ourselves so that we may have deeper, more intimate, and loving relationships moving forward. - Excerpt from “The Emotional Divorce.”

"The Emotional Divorce” is now available on Amazon.

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Endorsement of "The Emotional Divorce"

"The emotions entangled in divorce can overwhelm, confuse, frighten, depress, shock, hurt, and anger us. The Emotional Divorce is a short but powerful read guiding us through this chaotic emotional journey to personal growth, hope, and the promise of a new beginning. Highly recommend."

- Marilyn Groenke Co-Parenting Mediator and Facilitator

"This book is a must read, it doesn't matter if you are newly divorced ancient history lost a loved one, this will take you on a journey, grief is grief and we all go through stages from denial to anger (and) guilt, you name I have been there, Ms. Mundahl takes you through it in a way that renews self and soul."

- Jackie Doggett

"This book raises awareness of how all parties can protect the dignity and wellbeing of each person involved. It will help the divorcing individuals see how to proceed with as much peace as possible. I think all family law attorneys should make this required reading for their clients."

- Kindle Customer

"The author used the premise that first and foremost: We are emotional beings.
It is clear that the author created this book to delve into how emotional wellbeing is tied to understanding and navigating our emotional responses in our relationships.
Her definitions and explanations around emotions are perceptive and insightful. Guilt and disgust are two that had me upgrading my own thoughts on the definitions.
IT HAS PICTURES! The images are a nice addition in that they give a visual to the emotions covered. They are well done and impactful.
The 5th chapter is a gamechanger on how your emotional reactions affect your ability to divorce well. She defines many emotional reactions that get in the way and how they can be handled in a healthy emotional response. Topics include revenge, vindication, and buyer’s remorse. Chapter five also talks about childhood trauma and its role in adult divorce.
A BONUS is the questions for self reflection at the end of each chapter. Worth journaling over.

I gave it five stars because it is well done, and it is easy to see yourself in the explanations. Simple language done with care and discernment."
- Mickey Mikeworth