No-fault divorce has been around in Minnesota since 1974, and the term is familiar to most people. Yet most people don’t think about what “no-fault” divorce means until they are in the process of seeking a divorce themselves. Let’s talk a lit…
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There are two ways to get a divorce in Minnesota: reach a settlement agreement sometimes called a Marital Termination Agreement at some point in the divorce process, or go to trial. Many people enter the divorce process in a state of heightened emoti…
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It might seem counterintuitive for a divorce attorney to want to give advice on how to stay married. After all, as family law attorneys, most of our business comes from people who are ending their marriages. When a divorce is necessary, we get a cert…
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Divorce is a time when emotions run high—to put it mildly. Whether or not you chose the divorce, you can expect to feel everything from sorrow, rage, and anxiety to relief and even hope. Managing your own emotions is a challenge. Dealing with your…
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As we continue to move forward forging a “new normal,” it seems that video conferencing is here to stay. Whether for business, educational, or personal use, video conferencing comes with a host of benefits that will likely continue to be a part o…
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If you Google the phrase “attorney bias in divorce,” you will (as of this writing) get exactly zero exact hits. Judicial bias in divorce? Lots of hits. But here’s the thing: before family law judges become judges, almost all of them are attorne…
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A client once said to me, “Life is like a video game: you master the challenges on the level where you are, and then you level up, and everything gets turned upside down. There’s a whole new set of challenges you need to figure out and master.”…
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Divorce ends a marriage, but it shouldn’t end a relationship between a parent and children. For too many fathers, unfortunately, divorce causes the threads of this all-important relationship to begin to fray. The damage may be intentional, as with…
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Can you trust your spouse in your divorce? In some cases, the answer is an obvious “no.” Your spouse has proven untrustworthy during the marriage; that may even be the reason for the breakdown of your marriage. But in other situations, th…
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The internet has made a lot of things easier to do without the help of a professional, like buy life insurance or book a vacation. Many websites and services have made it easier for people to “be their own lawyer,” too. Do you still need a lawyer…
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In this space, we’ve talked quite a bit about knowing when it’s the right time to divorce, planning for divorce, and getting through divorce. It’s time to devote some attention to the topic of what to do after your divorce is final. In some way…
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“It’s always darkest just before the dawn.” It’s a saying you’ve heard hundreds of times, and it’s usually said by someone standing in a different “time zone,” where they are already in the light. Meanwhile, you may be stuck in a plac…
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When is divorce the best choice? Nobody plans to get divorced. Almost everyone who gets married hopes and believes it is the start of “happily ever after,” despite statistics that suggest almost half of all marriages end in divorce. When it turns…
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Let’s talk about contracts, especially contracts and divorce. A contract has three elements to it. There is an offer, an acceptance and something lawyers call “consideration.” So when you want to buy a car, the offer is for the car dealer to se…
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Marriage is a partnership, which means each spouse has his or her own role in making things work. When divorce happens, you need to figure out how to make everything work on your own. A spouse who never shopped or cooked needs to figure out how to ge…
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