All divorces carry the potential for significant conflict, but when the marriage involves extensive or complex assets, the likelihood of conflict goes up, driving the emotional and financial cost of the divorce up with it. At Mundahl Law, we understand how difficult divorce can be for those parties with a high net worth. We work to help our clients unwind their marriages with as little stress and conflict as possible, while preserving the assets that will help them build a successful future.

Minnesota Divorce Issues Affecting Families with High Net Worth

Having wealth is a good thing, but a high net worth can complicate the Minnesota divorce process. Mundahl Law maintains relationships with respected financial professionals, forensic accountants, tax professionals, certified divorce financial analysts and others who can offer support as needed in resolving some of the issues that commonly arise with high net worth divorces. These issues include:

  • Valuation and division of commercial and residential real estate and investment properties
  • Classification of an asset as income or property, such as certain stock options and other investments
  • Complex valuation issues, including valuation of assets whose worth fluctuates over time, or valuation of closely held business interests
  • Spousal maintenance concerns and child support calculations that deviate above the statutory guidelines

As your attorneys, we address the legal issues that complicate divorces involving significant assets, including the question of whether certain property is to be considered marital or non-marital property. If there is a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, we carefully review it to ensure that it is valid, interpreted properly, and not used against you in an unfair way.

Choosing the Right Minnesota Attorney for Your High Asset Divorce

A common mistake in divorces involving significant or complex assets is the perception that it's necessary to retain the most aggressive lawyer possible. An attorney who is nasty and unreasonable is not doing you any favors; he or she will likely perpetuate hostilities between you and your spouse. That enriches no one but the attorney, who then gets to bill for all the hours spent “resolving” fights that didn't need to happen in the first place.

A good attorney is your advocate: someone who understands what is most important to you and will protect and defend your position, but will not initiate or continue a dispute that is not in your best interests. Especially when significant assets are at stake, you need an attorney who will help you explore all your options and their likely short- and long-term outcomes. The best attorneys have the legal knowledge and experience to know when to negotiate and when to litigate. At Mundahl Law, our focus is on protecting your assets and your future.

Located in Maple Grove, Mundahl Law serves Hennepin County and the surrounding areas of Minnesota, including St. Michael, Rogers, and Buffalo. We invite you to contact us online or via phone at (763) 575-7930. We look forward to working with you.