Whether your objective is to ensure your children are provided for after your passing, safeguard your assets, or reduce the tax burden your beneficiaries may incur, a trust is an estate planning vehicle that can be used to help you achieve your goals…
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When the estate of a deceased person (decedent) must go through the Minnesota probate process, family members naturally want to understand how long the process will take. Having to navigate probate is a reminder of your loss. Being able to put probat…
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If you have never been involved in probating an estate, you may not be very familiar with the process. If you have served as a personal representative of an estate, you may be more familiar with probate than you want to be. This can be time-consuming…
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How hard is it to challenge a will in Minnesota? It depends on the circumstances, but in general, contesting a will is not easy. That’s good news for those who want their last wishes honored; not so good for those who feel they have been treated un…
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Probate is the legal process of administering the estate of a person who has died (a “decedent.”) As a general rule, assets that were owned in the decedent’s sole name (as opposed to jointly with another person, or by a trust), must go through…
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