Is your 65th birthday looming? If so, you are in good company: for about the next decade, 10,000 people every day will reach that milestone in the United States, which will qualify them for Medicare. If you are approaching the age of Medicare eligibi…
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Even the most thoughtful, well-crafted estate plan can become a disaster without proper maintenance. The reason is simple: life is change. Some of that change stems from our own choices. Some of it does not. In the estate planning context, HIPAA waiv…
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It’s common to hear about parents breaking the bank to pay for a child’s dream wedding; comedic movies and TV shows have even been built around this premise. But nobody makes a show about parents who go broke paying for their child’…
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Children need love, guidance, care, and protection. Usually parents provide that care, often with the support of other adults in the child’s life. But as we all know, there are times when biological parents, for whatever reason, aren’t in…
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The prevalence of so-called “gray divorce” is increasing: more and more people are choosing to divorce in their fifties, sixties, and even beyond. They may have stayed together “for the sake of the children” and decided to par…
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We’ve all heard the statistic: roughly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. This translates to one divorce every thirteen seconds, and well over 6,000 divorces every single day. Looking at the big picture, divorce is a com…
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Everyone understands that divorce is hard on the couple whose marriage is ending, and of course for any children they may have. Fewer people think about the impact of a divorce on the parents of the divorcing husband and wife, but watching your adult…
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We’ve already discussed in this space the basics of awarding spousal maintenance in Minnesota, but we’ve touched only briefly on the concept of modifying spousal maintenance. Normally, once an award of spousal maintenance has been granted…
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What is Spousal Maintenance? Spousal maintenance is simply what used to be known as alimony. In Minnesota, there are two types of spousal maintenance: Short-Term or Temporary Spousal Maintenance is paid to one spouse by another for a specified period…
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Divorce can be a challenging period of transition in the life of any individual. People are surrounded by emotion and anxiety as legal and financial matters are sorted out. It can take time for the couple to adapt to a new phase in their lives. It sh…
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