Paternity issues bring with them many mixed emotions. Whether you are the biological mother or father, you need to know the process to legally establish paternity for your child. Our paternity attorney is here to help. A child born during a marriage is considered a child of the parties during that marriage. A child born out of wedlock must have his or her paternity established either at the time of birth by the biological father signing a recognition of parentage, or by means of a paternity suit, which will require a DNA test.

It is important for your child's paternity to be legally established. Not only do issues of parentage and child support and custody become issues that loom large, but issues of inheritance will also come into play later in life. At Mundahl Law, our first goal is to provide you with information regarding your legal rights to your child. If you have any doubts regarding your parentage, we can assist you through the DNA testing process, and later the child custody and parenting time process.

This issue should be handled with compassion, care, and skill. At Mundahl Law, we believe in working with parents to establish a legal relationship with their child or children. Children need to know who their father is; if there is uncertainty, parentage must be established conclusively for everyone’s sake.

Experienced Maple Grove, Minnesota Family Law Attorneys for Paternity Matters

The experienced family law paternity attorney at Mundahl Law believe in spending time with our clients to understand their needs and concerns regarding establishing paternity of a child. We strive to help our clients establish a legal relationship with their children that will benefit everyone in the family.

Located in Maple Grove, Mundahl Law serves Hennepin County and the surrounding areas of Minnesota, including St. Michael, Rogers, and Buffalo. We invite you to contact us online or via phone at (763) 575-7930. We look forward to working with you.