A divorce means the end of a marriage, not a family. Those with children understand that while their relationship as a couple ceases to exist, the relationship each parent has with their children continues and evolves. The best situation is when parents help their children transition between both parents’ homes with a minimum of conflict.

Child custody can become very contentious when parents put their needs ahead of the needs of their children. While no parent wants to put their children in a harmful situation, the truth is that children can become pawns in divorce proceedings. Child custody situations must be handled with care and concern, and the best interests of the children should be paramount in making every decision.

Susan Mundahl works with her clients in order to create the best possible result for child custody issues. With years of experience behind her, Susan is recognized in her field as an expert, and is often referred cases by attorneys who are searching for the best solution for their client's needs.

Modification of Minnesota Custody Agreements

Once custody is established, a court will not easily allow a change unless both parents agree. In most cases there must be a change in circumstances that endanger the child or children. That said, if a parent believes that their child is in a potentially dangerous situation, our attorneys will do everything possible to help you gain custody. If your children are not in danger but you want to see your children more often, we can help you request a modification to your parenting plan. Please see our Parenting Time page for more information.

Sometimes the best intentions of parents at the time of a divorce cannot anticipate changes that will occur in the future. When unforeseen events take place, they should be taken into account and child custody issues should be resolved so that both parents are able to spend meaningful time with their children. Susan Mundahl not only brings a wealth of professional experience to this arena, but she successfully raised two children for over 20 years in a joint custody situation. She knows from both a legal and practical standpoint what works and what doesn't.

Schedule a Consultation with an Experienced Minnesota Child Custody Attorney

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to discuss child custody and your options, contact the attorneys of Mundahl Law. Located in Maple Grove, Mundahl Law serves Hennepin County and the surrounding areas of Minnesota, including St. Michael, Rogers, and Buffalo. We invite you to contact us online or via phone at (763) 575-7930. We look forward to working with you.